Here, let me show you my classmates. This photo was taken during Chinese New Year celebrations - we didn't have class the whole day. Yippee! Don't you think we look so cute in our traditional costumes? Since we're the "babies" in the school, we were placed in the front row.
(Left to right): Swetha, Chauntel, Karin, Josiah, me (Yi Po and Po Po said I looked like a little Emperor especially with my hands placed on my laps), Joel, Eugenie, Mikhail and Nicole.
Of course, I could have told Mommy that Eugenie was no longer attending class, but she didn't ask me.....
Sometimes, we have small farewell parties for those who are leaving school, and I bring back some momentos from my friends. Recently my friend Marin, left for Japan. She'll turn 5 years old this November, but Mommy has known her from birth so she's feeling a little sad. Marin is the daughter of Mommy's boss, and each year I get invited to her birthday parties.
This is me with Marin at the hospital when Mommy & Daddy brought me along to visit Marin's newborn sister, Keika.
Another Japanese girl, Risa who was in the 3-4 yrs old class, has left our playschool this April. Mommy said her boss told her that Risa changed playschool to a Japanese playschool which is operated by Japan Club.
Even though Marin and Risa are not in my class, I shall miss them. But I'll miss Eugenie most coz' we used to be "pushing" buddies. I used to enjoy seeing the shocked look on Mommy's face when I tell her "push Eugenie"
Sayonara Marin-chan. Sayonara Risa-chan. Sayonara Eugenie.
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