Yesterday, Mommy was looking back at my baby photos and laughing with Daddy. They say I look like “Ah Pek” (old man) when I was younger. But she's rather upset and regrets that she did not record down my development milestones like when my first tooth came out, when I started calling “Daddy” instead of “Zizzy”, when I started taking medicine by the spoon (like a big boy that I am now) instead of from the syringe, when I started singing my first song, my first ride on the airplane etc.
She told me that memories are fleeting and that this is her little gift to me.
Mommy said one day, I can look back at these precious moments and if I’m lucky, if I’m really lucky, my memories will be triggered and bring me back to my toddler days.
So, a quick blast to the past of me at 6 mons, 12 mons, 18 mons, 24 mons and 30 mons.
I’m going to turn 31 mons soon.
Mommy said one day, I can look back at these precious moments and if I’m lucky, if I’m really lucky, my memories will be triggered and bring me back to my toddler days.
So, a quick blast to the past of me at 6 mons, 12 mons, 18 mons, 24 mons and 30 mons.
I’m going to turn 31 mons soon.
Mommy's looking at some polls posted in a child development website and has answered some of the questions posted. I think she has forgotten most of my development milestones though....
(1) When did your baby start walking? Around 10 months old
(2) When did your baby start running? Hmmm... should be around 1 year old
(3) When did your baby roll over? Roll over to one side? Hmm... around 6 months old
(4) When did you first travel with your baby? 1.5 months old. First trip to Penang, to bring our confinement lady i.e. Granny home
(5) When did your baby sit up? Without support? Should be around 4-5 months old
(6) When did your baby smile for the first time? Around 5 days old... but according to the parenting books, he was smiling because passing out gas....
(7) When did your baby wave bye bye? Hmm....
(8) When did your baby first clap? Hmmmmmmm.....
(9) When did your baby say mama or dada? Definitely "zizzy" came before "mama" (which later became "mommy") Can't remember...
(10) When did your baby crawl? Around 8 months old
(11) When did your baby start sleeping through the night? Around 10.5 months old.
(12) When did you start feeding your baby solids? Maybe around 6 months old. Can't remember what kind of solids though. He used to like mashed sweet potato and bread pudding though.
(13) When did your baby first point? Hmmm...
(14) When did your baby first put objects into a container? Oh like into a shape sorter? Hmmmmm....
(15) When did your baby stand alone for the first time? Somewhere between 10 months to 1 year old....
(16) When did your baby cut his first tooth? Around 6 months old...
(17) When did your baby first pass objects from hand to hand? Hmmmmm.....
(18) When did your baby first sit in highchair and join the family meal? Maybe around 5-6 months old.... was sitting in Bumbo seat for a while, but managed to escape from Bumbo seat around 6-8 months old. Complete waste of $$
(19) When did your child say his first sentence? Somewhere between 2 - 2.5 years old, explosion of words.
(20) When did you start and finish potty training your child? Started in playschool 29 months old. Finish?? Sigh...long road ahead. He seems to like his diapers.
Oh, Mommy wants to add some other questions before she forgets.
(21) When did he first manage to pedal and propel his bike forward? 30 months old
(22) When did he first drink milk from cup? 30 months old
(23) When did he first complete singing a whole song? 28-30 months old
(24) When did he first complete jigsaw puzzle all by himself? 28-30 months old
(25) When did he first start reciting the months of the year? 30 months old
Oh well. She does try, you know.
Oh well. She does try, you know.
Daddy said he will get a DVD handicam soon, to record all these precious moments before I turn from a loveable little boy to an impossible teenager.
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