Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Party Time!

I LOVE going to parties and just for this month of April itself, I’ve been to three of my school playmates’ birthday parties. I’ll be really excited and look forward to the parties.
And Mommy & Daddy will remind each other not to forget to bring the digital camera but alas! sometimes not even one photo was taken. Why Daddy Why? Why Mommy Why?

Daddy was saying maybe when I’m a little older, I can play more independently with the other kids, then and only then can both Daddy & Mommy “enjoy” the parties. They complain they have to keep an eye out for me in case I get into mischief, or ensure that I’m drinking enough water etc., and have little time to socialize with the other parents.

But both Daddy & Mommy are very proud that I join in the games and activities now, compared to the first party I was invited to. It was Marin-chan’s birthday party and see, how far I stood behind the other kids even though I was curious to know what was going on. I was 2 years 2 months old then….

I’m 3+ now …. See how much I’m enjoying the parties?!
Can't wait for the next one .....

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