Quite a good hamper, don't you think so? Mommy & Daddy went to take the prize from the Baby Kiko HQ and as there was still some time before picking me up, they went to IKEA for some quick shopping and spent my RM 100 cash prize. Hrrrmph!
Mommy says they can't bring me along for serious shopping coz' I'm too naughty nowadays - darting here and there, touching this and that. When my Mommy is angry with me, she'll call out in a very loud voice "BRYAN GOH WEI SHERN!!!" but when I'm a good boy and behaving well, I'm her "Shern-shern"
p.s. Mommy submitted another entry for November'09 contest, but we were not chosen this round .... so she told Daddy she's not joining the contest for some time. Sour grapes.
This is the entry Mommy submitted:-
You are amazing because just a glimpse of your endearing and joyful face makes me forget my heavy burdens.
Bryan thinks that the KIKO hamper is for babies; and not toddlers like himself.I mean, are you still using the baby powder and all that stuff: It is also mean of Mommy and Daddy to spend my first RM100 price at IKEA, should have gotten something at toysworld instead