When I'm happy, I will have little hops when I walk.
When I'm really very happy, I will hop hop hop on the spot for no apparent reasons.
When I'm sad (or dreading to do something aka going to school), I'll drag my feet when I walk.
Daddy set our Christmas tree last Saturday night, and I helped put the ornaments on our Christmas tree. Compared to previous years, I sort of understand the excitement of celebrating Christmas. I mean what's not to be excited about? We're talking about loads of presents for me me ME! See how nice our tree is??
Mommy went through the old photos and this is how I was during my first Christmas celebration. Didn't seem too happy at that time, huh?
Followed by Zzzzzzz....
The following Christmas, I was a little more excited looking at the presents but refused to put on my Santa hat.
For Christmas 2008, since Yi Po, Po Po, Sam Yi Po, Kung Kung, Har Dey went to Dubai, we went back to Penang. We had Christmas dinner at a Chinese restuarant there with Yeh Yeh, Granny, Uncle Eugene, Aunty Ee San, Aunty Zena & Kenneth Koko.
OK - back to Christmas 2009 or rather the preparation, Mommy said I was singing "Jingle Bells Jingle Bells" while helping Daddy set up the tree. Too bad she didn't manage to catch that on video. She caught this instead ...............can you see how happy I was? Hop hop hop.